
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution 

California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution 

Kate Duncan Smith DAR School is an educational institution whose mission is to celebrate its history, foster patriotic ideals, and promote God, home, and country.  Students follow the Alabama Course of Study curriculum standards; supplemental and enrichment activities focus on patriotism and citizenship.  Topics of particular emphasis include the discovery and founding of our country, our country’s founding documents and the history behind them, the structure of the U.S. government, the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens, respect and reverence for the U.S. flag, and appreciation for our military veterans and active-duty military personnel.

The Crossnore School of North Carolina began with a small group of children in disadvantaged areas where public education was not accessible. As an improvement to roads and public education facilities occurred in these areas, the needs of the communities changed.  The schools grew into fully operational campuses, meeting the changing needs of their communities. Today it addresses a variety of special needs programs and children in a family crisis.

Fisher House provides a "home away from home" for military families to be close to a loved one during hospitalization for an illness, disease, or injury.

Bancroft Ranch House Museum offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the history of early California. Hubert H. Bancroft spent much of his life studying and writing about our area. He donated his extensive library to the state of California.

Monserate Mountain: Our DAR chapter was named after this mountain, which is visible from Interstate Highway 15.

The mountain is under Fallbrook Land Conservancy and has a hiking trail to the summit.

In our local community, we support the Fallbrook Library with book donations.